Miami Hub

Miami Hub

Meet, exchange and learn in Miami

The Miami Hub brings together Latin American, U.S., and other business families to meet, exchange and learn together in Miami, which many consider as a business and family Hub. Through the Hub, we are uniquely positioned to strengthen connections across the Americas, and offer access to quality resources, for business families to grow and collaborate for greater impact.

The Hub also attracts an array of prospects and helps to expand FBN’s footprint in the Americas. Overall, since its launch in September of 2021 the Hub has engaged 200+ individuals from 150+ business families spanning over a dozen countries.




  • Opportunities to connect with a broad spectrum of business families and learn together in a city widely recognized as a regional Hub.
  • A safe space to share experiences, gain insight, and find support from a diverse group of families beyond their local chapters.
  • Enhanced resources and content tailored around our six global communities: Family Office, Large Families, Impact, Entrepreneurs, NowGens, and NxGs.
  • For prospective families in the region, the opportunity to experience FBN's global communities and authentic peer-to-peer learning for all members of the family. 
  • A chance for NxGs who live in or near Miami to engage with FBN and learn about family business despite being away from home.
  • An inclusive and non-solicitation environment that fosters communication and dialogue across borders, roles and generations.